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Project (Vic)Toria

The AA Visiting School will return from the
1st of July until the 12th July 2024!

This year the studio will explore:

> Urban Rhythms
> The Laboratory Garden 
> Future Fashion Systems  
> Forest Signals
> Gastro-Sectarianism


︎︎︎ Units         ︎︎︎Team         ︎︎︎ Application Details

Unit 1: 
Allison Crank (Crank) 
Arnaud Grignard (MIT Media Lab)

Unit 2:
Lucinda Dryden (Studio Lulu)
Lucy Moroney (Studio Lulu)

Unit 3:
Miriam Borcherdt (kin studio)
Nicoletta Stecca (rén collective)
Unit 4:
Bethany Edgoose (Inferstudio)
Nathan Su (Inferstudio)
Unit 5: 
Rob Smith (Bompas & Parr)

Architectural Association School of Architecture
36 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3ES