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2024 Project (Vic)Toria Unit 6
Design With The Planet

Unit 6 embarks on a transformative journey to reimagine a building in Richmond using nextgeneration materials from Victoria. This program will broaden your understanding of planet-centric design and its crucial role in aligning human activities with the natural environment. We aim to deepen your appreciation of sustainability by integrating social, economic, and environmental dimensions, highlighting the long-term impact of the design choices on both humans and nonhumans.

By the end of the intensive program, the team will redesign the building and create compelling narratives and visuals for an exhibition that showcases the impact of these new materials and designs on the building, the wider Victoria community, and the planet.

Teaching Staff:
Sacha McMonagle-Ihasz (Hazeltree)
Samuel Wines (CoLabs Australia)


︎︎︎ Unit 6 Brief

Architectural Association School of Architecture
36 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3ES