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2023 Project (Vic)Toria Unit 6
Design With The Planet

In unit 6 we will delve into the concept of planet-centric design and its vital role in balancing human activities with the natural environment. The course's goal is to foster a collective understanding of sustainabi lity, highlighting the intricate web that connects social, economic, and environmental aspects, and acknowledging the long-term impact of our current decisions on future generations.

In a hands-on, fully immersive approach, students will apply
planet-centric design principles to a unique block of land in
Cremorne, embodying the principles of the doughnut economy.
Each group will be tasked with producing a technique-agnostic
visual representation of their design concept for the Cremorne
Site, exploring the land's radical potential while constructing a
sustainable, circular development that positively impacts
environmental, social, and economic well-being.

Teaching Staff:
Sacha McMonagle-Ihasz (Hazeltree)
Benjamin Tag (Monash University)


︎︎︎ Unit 6 Brief

Architectural Association School of Architecture
36 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3ES