Project (Vic)Toria
Too Many Cooks
Food has a good claim to be the world’s most important subject. Alongside sex and shelter it is absolutely essential to human existence. Most people, however, could happily survive for a time without a roof or reproducing. Not so without food.
The concept behind this studio was to discover, critique
and create a vision of what makes a uniquely Victorian experience of food. When considering culture contexts to food and drink in Victoria, the foundation is upon first nations. Victoria in a pre-colonial context. A challenge is to consider the weight of history respectfully, and progressively challenge expectations of the future of Victorian culture.
Too Many Cooks
Food has a good claim to be the world’s most important subject. Alongside sex and shelter it is absolutely essential to human existence. Most people, however, could happily survive for a time without a roof or reproducing. Not so without food.
The concept behind this studio was to discover, critique
and create a vision of what makes a uniquely Victorian experience of food. When considering culture contexts to food and drink in Victoria, the foundation is upon first nations. Victoria in a pre-colonial context. A challenge is to consider the weight of history respectfully, and progressively challenge expectations of the future of Victorian culture.
Teaching Staff:
Robert Smith (Bompas & Parr)
Robert Smith (Bompas & Parr)
Taryn Loughnan
Georgia Huang
Thao Pham
Taryn Loughnan
Georgia Huang
Thao Pham
Vandy Cheang
Jack Fountain
1000 Invisible Plates
Taryn Loughnan
Georgia Huang
Thao Pham
Vandy Cheang
Jack Fountain
Brief:The 1000 Plates dining experience is a multi-sensory journey into Victoria’s past, present and future palette. The proposed essence of future epochs are distilled into a series of fictionalised characters, whose stories and respective plates explore the broader context through social, political and environmental lenses. The past is explored through an archive of past dinner parties hosted by the faculty, documenting the profile of each individual plate presented in an exhibition surrounding the dinner table. Present culinary identity is presented
in the setting of the dining room, showcasing the current food scene in Victoria through taste, touch, feel, sight and sound. In combination, these past and present identities form future speculations, which are communicated through the character vignettes.
1000 Plates aims to analyse, document and rediscover Victoria’s past culinary landscape to gain a deeper insight into our current context. Treating the future of Victorian food as a product of past stories, the dining experience is a manifestation of our leanings throughout our research phase. This draws on a series of restaurant visits, conversations with chefs and curators, sharing of personal stories withn the studio and research into historical archives.
1000 Invisible Plates
Taryn Loughnan
Georgia Huang
Thao Pham
Vandy Cheang
Jack Fountain
Brief:The 1000 Plates dining experience is a multi-sensory journey into Victoria’s past, present and future palette. The proposed essence of future epochs are distilled into a series of fictionalised characters, whose stories and respective plates explore the broader context through social, political and environmental lenses. The past is explored through an archive of past dinner parties hosted by the faculty, documenting the profile of each individual plate presented in an exhibition surrounding the dinner table. Present culinary identity is presented
in the setting of the dining room, showcasing the current food scene in Victoria through taste, touch, feel, sight and sound. In combination, these past and present identities form future speculations, which are communicated through the character vignettes.
1000 Plates aims to analyse, document and rediscover Victoria’s past culinary landscape to gain a deeper insight into our current context. Treating the future of Victorian food as a product of past stories, the dining experience is a manifestation of our leanings throughout our research phase. This draws on a series of restaurant visits, conversations with chefs and curators, sharing of personal stories withn the studio and research into historical archives.

Additional Pictures:

Architectural Association School of Architecture
36 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3ES
36 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3ES