2023 Project (Vic)Toria Unit 4
Ash Atlas
Our studio this year takes ash as both a conceptual and literal access point for comprehending planetary scale processes of destruction, transformation, and renegeration. Our site for this
year’s unit is the Latrobe Valley; a landscape that has been coal mined for 150 years and which is currently the location for massive rehabilitation and renewal projects with ecological and cultural impacts for local communities, the state of Victoria, international politics, and global companies.
We will investigate ‘hyperscopic’ realities; conditions and processes operating at scales beyond what we can ordinarily perceive. We will act as researchers, photographers,cinematographers, and archivists. We will then create tools through which these realities can be more easily perceived. We call this type of perceptual apparatus a ‘hyperscope’.
Ash Atlas
Our studio this year takes ash as both a conceptual and literal access point for comprehending planetary scale processes of destruction, transformation, and renegeration. Our site for this
year’s unit is the Latrobe Valley; a landscape that has been coal mined for 150 years and which is currently the location for massive rehabilitation and renewal projects with ecological and cultural impacts for local communities, the state of Victoria, international politics, and global companies.
We will investigate ‘hyperscopic’ realities; conditions and processes operating at scales beyond what we can ordinarily perceive. We will act as researchers, photographers,cinematographers, and archivists. We will then create tools through which these realities can be more easily perceived. We call this type of perceptual apparatus a ‘hyperscope’.
Architectural Association School of Architecture
36 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3ES
36 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3ES